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Chronos Version B1.140 Published

Chronos Version B1.140 has been publised ("Beta Release 1--build 140".) Chronos B1.140 is available for VisualWorks only--although the Chronos Seed Archive for B1.140 is also available (the "Chronos Seed" is the platform-independent Chronos codebase, used for porting Chronos from VisualWorks to other Smalltalk pltatforms.) The Squeak version (maintained by Avi Bryant) hasn't changed.

Chronos Version B1.140 can be obtained from the Chronos Web Site, or from the Cincom Public StORE Repository. Or you can use the direct download link.

You should also obtain and install the latest version of the Chronos Time Zone Repository, according to the Chronos Installation Instructions. Otherwise, much of Chronos' time zone functionality will not be available. The latest version of the Chronos Time Zone Repository is included in the archive file that contains the Chronos codebase ("") Formerly, that was not the case.

About Chronos Version B1.140

Version B1.140 includes a few bug fixes, but no new functionality. It does include some significant reengineering/refactoring of Chronos' "infrastructure code." Specifically, the changed code deals with the initializatation of Chronos, and also with the management/retrieval of Chronos reference data, such as time zone rules and locale information. None of the date/time logic was touched (and after extensive testing, I can find no bugs in that code.)

The substantive changes in Version B1.140 are two:

1. Chronos can now be published as a VisualWorks parcel. Parcels for the date/time library (Chronos.pcl) and for the time zone compiler (Chronos-Utilities.pcl) are now included in the download archive (,) along with the the two file-ins ( and Note that the Chronos parcels, just like the file-ins, should not be loaded into an image in which a different version of Chronos is already resident. It is necessary to first uninstall ("remove," "unload") the already-resident Chronos bundle (or the already-resident Chronos-Utilities bundle, as the case may be) before installing a parcel (or file-in) containing a different version.

2. The "" archive file now also contains the Chronos Time Zone Repository. So it is now only necessary to download that separately when a) there's a new version of the time zone repository you'd like to use, and/or b) you're installing Chronos from the Cincom Public PostGreSQL StORE Repository (or Monticello, once the Squeak version is able to read from disk files.)

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