Chronos is one of the many Smalltalk-related blogs syndicated on Planet Smalltalk

Discussion of the Essence# programming language, and related issues and technologies.

Blog Timezone: America/Los_Angeles [Winter: -0800 hhmm | Summer: -0700 hhmm] 
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Time Zone Boundary Divides University Campus

SOUTHERN Cross University (New South Wales, Australia) has a rather unique problem: They're establishing a new campus at the Gold Coast Airport Development Park, which will straddle the Queensland-NSW border on Crown land abutting the southern side of the Gold Coast Airport. New South Wales observes DST. Queensland does not.

Civil time will shift back and forth by an hour in NSW, but not in Queensland. So how will classes be scheduled? What about work schedules? Vice Chancellor Paul Clark said "We will probably be the guinea pigs in many ways because there's nowhere else in Australia with feet in two different states."

Now consider this question: How well would your software handle a case like this? Would your date/time library even be up to the task?

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