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Brown mathematicians prove new way to build a better estimate


In new work published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Lawrence and Carvalho describe a new class of statistical estimators and prove four theorems concerning their properties. Their work shows that these “centroid” estimators allow for better statistical predictions – and, as a result, better ways to extract information from the immense data sets used in computational biology, information technology, banking and finance, medicine and engineering.

Full article


Electron filmed for first time ever

Electron filmed for first time ever from

Now it is possible to see a movie of an electron. The movie shows how an electron rides on a light wave after just having been pulled away from an atom. This is the first time an electron has ever been filmed, and the results are presented in the latest issue of Physical Review Letters.



Inventor Doesn't Dare Say 'Perpetual Motion Machine'

Inventor Doesn't Dare Say 'Perpetual Motion Machine' from

Thane Heins knows the track record of inventors that claim to make breakthroughs in power generation methods, especially when they claim to defy the second law of thermodynamics. Every so often, a (usually untrained) scientist comes along with a machine that supposedly creates more energy than is put in. Every time, the ideas have been rebuked by real scientists.



Scientists make breakthrough in single-molecule sensing

Scientists make breakthrough in single-molecule sensing from

In a study that could lay the foundation for mass-produced single-molecule sensors, physicists and engineers at Rice University have demonstrated a means of simultaneously making optical and electronic measurements of the same molecule.
