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Memoirs of a qubit: Hybrid memory solves key problem for quantum computing

Memoirs of a qubit: Hybrid memory solves key problem for quantum computing from

An international team of scientists has performed the ultimate miniaturisation of computer memory: storing information inside the nucleus of an atom. This breakthrough is a key step in bringing to life a quantum computer - a device based on the fundamental theory of quantum mechanics which could crack problems unsolvable by current technology.



Stamping' self-assembling nanowires

'Stamping' self-assembling nanowires from

( -- By manipulating the way tiny droplets of fluid dry, Cornell researchers have created an innovative way to make and pattern nanoscale wires and other devices that ordinarily can be made only with expensive lithographic tools. The process is guided by molds that "stamp" the desired structures.



New research field promises radical advances in optical technologies

New research field promises radical advances in optical technologies from

( -- A new research field called transformation optics may usher in a host of radical advances including a cloak of invisibility and ultra-powerful microscopes and computers by harnessing nanotechnology and "metamaterials."



Research team discovers brain pathway responsible for obesity

Research team discovers brain pathway responsible for obesity from

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers, for the first time, have found a messaging system in the brain that directly affects food intake and body weight.


Flexi display technology is now

A la "Minorty Report":

Flexi display technology is now from

Rigid television screens, bulky laptops and still image posters are to be a thing of the past as new research, published today, Thursday, 2 October, in the New Journal of Physics, heralds the beginning of a technological revolution for screen displays.
