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Discussion of the Essence# programming language, and related issues and technologies.

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Chronos Version B1.173 Published

Chronos Version B1.173 has been publised ("Beta Release 1--build 173".) Chronos B1.173 is available for VisualWorks, Squeak and Dolphin. The Chronos Seed Archive for B1.173 is also available (the "Chronos Seed" is the platform-independent Chronos codebase, used for porting Chronos from VisualWorks to other Smalltalk pltatforms.)

Chronos Version B1.173 can be obtained from the Chronos Web Site. The VisualWorks version can also be obtained from the Cincom Public StORE Repository. You may also use the direct download link for VisualWorks, the direct download link for Squeak or the direct download link for Dolphin.

The Chronos Time Zone Repository is included in the download archive. Be sure to follow the Chronos Installation Instructions--especially if you have not already done so for a previous version of Chronos.

If you are reinstalling Chronos into an image in which an earlier version is already resident, and do not install the new version from the Cincom Public StORE Repository using StORE, it is necessary to first remove the earlier version. StORE has been able to correctly install the new version on top of every earlier version I have tried--but I haven't tried them all.

About Chronos Version B1.173

Chronos Version B1.173 fixes a bug in ChronosParser that was reported by John Rubier. For the Squeak version only, the Passport classes HttpRequest and HttpResponse have been renamed (to PPHttpRequest and PPHttpResponse, respectively) in order to avoid a class name conflict with Seaside (these classes exist only in the Squeak version of Passport.)

The Squeak version of Chronos is now available as either a zip or SAR archive. The SAR archive is available from SqueakMap (

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