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Researchers identify a potentially universal mechanism of aging

Researchers identify a potentially universal mechanism of aging from

Like our current financial crisis, the aging process might also be a product excessive deregulation. Researchers have discovered that DNA damage decreases a cell's ability to regulate which genes are turned on and off in particular settings. This mechanism, which applies both to fungus and to us, might represent a universal culprit for aging.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable: A Potentially Universal Mechanism Of Aging!

A. Latest News: A Potentially Universal Mechanism Of Aging

"Researchers have discovered that DNA damage decreases a cell's ability to regulate which genes are turned on and off in particular settings. This mechanism, which applies both to fungus and to us, might represent a universal culprit for aging. "

B. Universal mechanism of aging has been explained earlier...

Predicting Chronological And Physiological Age Is Complicated

Genes Are Organisms And Age, Too...

Dov Henis

(A DH Comment From The 22nd Century)