Chronos is one of the many Smalltalk-related blogs syndicated on Planet Smalltalk

Discussion of the Essence# programming language, and related issues and technologies.

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Chronos Version B1.25 Published

Version B1.25 fixes a few bugs and erroneous comments, and adds a few convenvience/syntactic sugar methods:

Added new binary operators .#>> #<< #@ #/ #\


Timepoint now >> 'Australia/Adelaide'
-- same as Timepoint now in: 'Australia/Adelaide'
=> 2006-02-03T16:33:28.610687+10:30
Timepoint nominalNow >> 'Australia/Adelaide'
-- same as Timepoint nominalNow in: 'Australia/Adelaide'
=> 2006-02-02T22:03:38.14332+10:30
Timepoint now << 'Australia/Adelaide'
-- same as Timepoint now asInvariantToNominalTime in: 'Australia/Adelaide'
=> 2006-02-02T22:03:47.792136+10:30
Timepoint nominalNow << 'Australia/Adelaide'
-- same as Timepoint nominalNow asInvariantToUT in: 'Australia/Adelaide'
=> 2006-02-03T16:34:00.088264+10:30
(YearMonthDay year: 1969 month: July day: 20) @ (TimeOfDay hour: 5 minute: 17 second: 40)
-- same as (YearMonthDay year: 1969 month: July day: 20) atTimeOfDay: (TimeOfDay hour: 5 minute: 17 second: 40)
=> 1969-07-20T05:17:40
YearMonthDay today / YearMonthDay tomorrow
-- same as Timeperiod from: YearMonthDay today to:YearMonthDay tomorrow
=> 2006-02-02/P1D
YearMonthDay today / 3 months
-- same as Timeperiod from: YearMonthDay today duration: 3 months
=> 2006-02-02/P3M
YearMonthDay today \ #Hebrew
-- same as YearMonthDay today as: #Hebrew
=> 5766-05-04 [Hebrew]
Added class methods Timepoint class>todayAt: and Timepoint class>todayAt:in:

Timepoint todayAt: (TimeOfDay hour: 13 minute: 30 second: 0)
=> 2006-02-02T13:30:00-08:00

Timepoint todayAt: (TimeOfDay hour: 13 minute: 30 second: 0) in: 'Europe/Berlin'
=> 2006-02-02T13:30:00+01:00
Added CalendricalCoordinate>>atTimeOfDay:in: and TemporalCoordinate>>on:in:

(YearMonthDay year: 2005 month: 12 day: 31) atTimeOfDay: (TimeOfDay hour: 15 minute: 59 second: 59) in: 'America/Los_Angeles'
=> 2005-12-31T15:59:59-08:00

(TimeOfDay hour: 15 minute: 59 second: 59) on: (YearMonthDay year: 2005 month: 12 day: 31) in: 'America/Los_Angeles'
=> 2005-12-31T15:59:59-08:00
Added TemporalCoordinate>>asTimeperiodStartingAt: (with the same semantics as in Durational.)


YearMonthDay tomorrow asTimeperiodStartingAt: YearMonthDay yesterday
=> 2006-02-01/P2D
CalendricalCoordinate>>inYear: (for polymorphism with AnnualDate)--implementation uses #yearOrdinal.
Changed several occurrences here and there of "self calendar yearNumberingPolicy ordinalFromCanonical: year" to "self yearOrdinal" (note: #year does not necessarily answer an ordinal year number--whether #year is an ordinal or cardinal number depends on the Calendar.)

Reimplemented #yearsSinceEpoch using #yearCardinal.

Added ability to print the era name ("AD," "BC") either before or after the date.

Link to information on previous releases:

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